Today I want to show you how to get free likes, how to get free subscribers, how to get free twitter followers, How To Get Free Share, get free youtube likes, get free youtube views and more.
This is too simple, But many people afraid to use these type of services but I use this service and I got free likes, subscribers, followers, shares and more but none of them any of my accounts blocked :) and I'm using it until now safe and sound.
What is Social Booster and how to use it:
I use the Social Booster called
AddMeFast. With Add Me Fast service you can boost your social media presence, and get unlimited likes, views, subscribers, followers, and more
AddMeFast is a free social media booster. While using these type of services you must have to know that there are many chances to get a block. Please read caution before using.
Follow These STEPS
Step 1:
Fill the form and Click on Sign Up
Click on +Add Your Site/Page
Here you can select
- Facebook Likes
- Facebook Share
- Facebook Followers
- Facebook Post Like
- FB Post Share
- MySpace Friends
- Vkontakte Pages
- Vkontakte Groups
- Google Circles
- Twitter Followers
- Twitter Tweets
- Twitter Retweets
- Twitter Favorites
- Instagram Followers
- Instagram Likes
- YouTube Views
- YouTube Subscribe
- YouTube Likes
- YouTube Favorites
- Pinterest Followers
- Pinterest Repins
- Pinterest Likes
- Reverbnation Fans
- SoundCloud Follow
- SoundCloud
- StumbleUpon
- Website Hits
For Example i want to add facebook page to get likes on it.
Select Type, Give Title, Add Url here, CPC [Cost-PerClick], and save it. CPC are those points which you are to see on the top.
Caution: Do not use AddMeFast as a Bomber their are some chances to getting block. To use AddMeFast with safety please follow my instruction you can make only 75-100likes for your 1page daily, can make 75-100twitter & facebook followers daily, can make 200 subscribers daily, can make 75-100 G+ Circles. This is the safety ratio but you can make unlimited likes/followers/subscribers and more